Friday, 5 February 2010

The RF Brand.

Roger shoes at the 2010 Australian Open, the three Swiss Flags symbolising his three previous victories at Melbourne Park.

Roger's 2009 Australian Open shoes again he has the three Swiss Flags symobolising the fact that he has won the title at Melbourne Park.

Roger's 2008 US Open Night Session with the RF logo on the left shoe and the US Open Trophy on the right, with a number 4 cut into it as he was a 4 time defending Champion.

Roger's 2009 US Open day session shoes, with the RF logo on the right shoe and on the left was the US Open trophy with a 5 cut into it, symbolising his 5 victories at the US Open.

Roger's personalised David Cup shoes, in the classic Swiss colours.

Roger's 2009 Wimbledon shoes in his Wimbledon colours White and Gold, on the left shoe it the Wimbledon Trophy with a 5 cut into it symbolising his 5 victories at the All England Club.

FOOT FAULT!! - Roger's 2008 Australian Open night session shoes, again with the three Swiss Flag showing the fact that he was a three time former Champion.

The RF brand has grown into a global brand since Roger first showed us his logo that Nike created for him in 2007 as the crest on his Wimbledon blazer.

Since 2007 Roger's logo has grown from just his personal items into something that every tennis player can wear there are t-shirts, shoes, caps, match shirts available for every Federer Fan to purchase, a very astute move by Nike Chairman Phil Knight.

More will follow soon on the RF brand!

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